Home » DIY Diesel Stove with Free Energy Sand Battery: A Comprehensive Guide

DIY Diesel Stove with Free Energy Sand Battery: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever heard about building a DIY diesel stove with a sand battery? However, a sand battery stores high thermal energy similar to sand. Energy gets stored in the sand as heat, allowing you to utilize this heat for a long time. Sand is an efficient way to store power. The studies show that sand batteries are a new way to store and transfer clean and renewable energy.

In this article, you’ll learn about making a DIY diesel stove using a sand battery. With a heat exchanger, a sand battery uses resistance heating to raise the temperature that is transmitted to sand by using the heat exchanger.

Why Choose a VEVOR Diesel Stove

With minimum energy usage and long-lasting running, VEVOR portable diesel stoves are gaining popularity. Living in an area with below-zero temperatures with this diesel heater is no less than a blessing as it quickly heats your room or cab using minimum energy. It has remote control features that allow you to access your diesel heater while sitting far away. You can easily monitor the status of diesel through the digital LCD feature.

Can you believe you can pre-heat your cab before entering it with the help of a VEVOR diesel heater? However, the high working efficiency provides no noise, so you can have a peaceful, long winter night. Other diesel heaters need a high amount of diesel to run for a night, but this VEVOR portable diesel stove only uses one gallon of diesel per night. All of these features make this diesel heater stand out in the market. Furthermore, with a voltage range available, you can choose any of your choices.

Step-by-Step Guide: Building Your Own DIY VEVOR Diesel Stove with Sand Battery

Let’s take a look at the step-by-step guide to building your own DIY diesel stove.

Building Your Own DIY VEVOR Diesel Stove with Sand Battery

Step 1- First of all, to transfer sand battery energy to the diesel stove, you need to remove the cover and scratch the paint off from the sand battery.

transfer sand battery energy to the diesel stove

Step 2- Now, use an electric saw to remove sturdy paint and a screwdriver to open the nuts. After this, pull out the sand and dirt from it and wash out it thoroughly.

use an electric saw to remove sturdy paint

Step 3- Cut out a metal with a metal and refine its edges. You need to cut the metals into small pieces.

 Cut out a metal with a metal and refine its edges

Step 4- To insert the metal pieces into the sand battery, run an electric saw over it so you can easily insert them into the sand battery.

run an electric saw over the sandbox

Step 5- With the help of the plasma cutter, cut out the metal. For this, you need a plasma cutting table to ensure the efficiency of the work. Cut out four to five pieces and refine their edges.


Step 6- Place these metal pieces under your sand battery legs. If you’re a money freaking person, then use these stainless exhaust pipes for ventilation purposes and insert them in a battery. Before this, remove the bolts from the battery and place the exhaust pipe instead of it.

use these stainless exhaust pipes for ventilation

Step 7-Take a metal plate and dig a hole in it; attach this plate to the battery using an electric saw. To make this plate more sturdy, cut out thick metal pieces and place them under the exhaust plate to support it.

Take a metal plate and dig a hole in it

Step 8-Place the VEVOR DIY diesel stove over this pipe to ensure it fits perfectly. Then, close the battery from the top bolt. Remove the backside bolt and insert the long metal pipe, which will work as an exhaust heat exchanger.

Place the VEVOR DIY diesel stove over this pipe to ensure it fits perfectly.

Step 9- Now apply the spray paint to the battery. You can use any metal-resistant black paint. Make a hole in the wall for ventilation. Cut out the metal pipe and insert it into the wall for this. It can be a temporary solution to blow out the gasses through the wall.

Step 10- To accumulate the heat, add the sandblasting sand into the funnel and put the cover on it and screw it. You’ll need a maximum of 200kg of sand. However, putting a cover will protect the sand from moisture. Place a heater over the ventilation pipe and attach it to the battery. 

Now, your DIY diesel stove is ready to use. On the diesel stove LCD, you can also monitor your inside room temperature. Use a remote control to use your DIY diesel stove. Now warm your warm and enjoy the freezing weather.

Benefits of Using a Sand Battery with VEVOR Diesel Stove

However, this portable diesel stove is incredible. It just works like a small energy saver. But you’ll be amazed after using this VEVOR diesel stove with a sand battery. Who will go for another option when this tiny diesel stove runs through a sand battery? So, you can save up more as it’ll run without the diesel. Sounds strange? Run a diesel heater without a diesel… Yes, you can now make your own DIY diesel stove without worrying about heavy bills and over-diesel prices. The 200kg of sand is enough to run for months.

FAQs about DIY Diesel Stove with Sand Battery

1 What’s the life expectancy of the sand batteries?

It can go on for months, but it depends on your usage. If you’re using it all day and night, it can go up for two weeks.

2-What’s the most efficient way to draw heat from a sand battery?

You can use an air coil or hot water to extract the energy.

3-Can you run a diesel stove with a sand battery?

Of course, you can not only run a diesel heater even if it can go up for months, and this way, you can save a lot of money.

4-How much heat can you store in a sand battery for using a DIY diesel stove?

You need sand combustion to run your DIY diesel stove, which can save up to 800J per kg.


Building your own DIY diesel heater is no longer a tough task. You can efficiently utilize the sand battery and run your tiny diesel heater through it, and it can save up your high-energy bills. Why go for skyrocketed heaters when you have a VEVOR diesel stove that can efficiently run through a sand battery? At the lowest price, you can get this mini diesel heater that is highly efficient.

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