Build DIY Plywood Countertops In A Day

Difficulty LevelEstimated CostTime Taken
Intermediate$150One day

Providing a show-stopping focal point in your kitchen, laundry, and bathroom looks enticing. But it takes a couple of months to build worries. You’ll walk through a detailed process of how to make a plywood countertop in less than a day.

Making an elegant plywood countertop DIY is more effortless and inexpensive than you might think. However, painted or stained, they look fabulous with off-white or white paint. In no time, you can create it with a few supplies. In this guide, you’ll learn how to make your DIY plywood countertop, from basic steps to complex ones.

Tools and Materials: What You’ll Need



How to Make a Countertop from Plywood

The amount of plywood for countertops depends on the thickness of your countertops and how long you need your countertops to be.

In this project, we’re using three plywoods, one of which is birch plywood, while the other one will be used for a bottom layer due to its smooth structure. They’re 4/8 sheets, and the measurements are five feet/4 inches and three-quarters in size.

How to Make a Countertop from Plywood

Step 1- Apply Wood Glue

Apply the wood glue on plywood; you can pour it to make the process faster.

apply wood glue

To seal both pieces, apply one birch wood piece to one glued birch plywood piece. Hold it tightly to set it up, make it even, and ensure they’re in line.

apply one birch wood piece to one glued birch plywood piece

Then screw them so they’ll not fall apart. You’ll need 2-4 nails on each side and two down the middle.

use 2-4 nails for the procedure

Step 2- Sanding Your Plywood

Once you finish the process, sand the edges to make them sharp and porky.

sanding your plywood

Step 3- Painting and Screwing the DIY Plywood Countertop

Now, paint the countertop with your favorite paint. In this project, yellow paint is used for the bottom cabinets.

Painting and Screwing the DIY Plywood Countertop

Step 4- Use Shelf Industrial Pipe For Your DIY Plywood Countertop

Now, use the heavy-duty bookshelves pipe; assemble them. Before screwing them, you need to take the measurements. You need screws according to your plywood as these plywoods are half an inch, so we used a half inches screws. Draw holes and screwed each nail into them.

Use Shelf Industrial Pipe For Your DIY Plywood Countertop

Now turn the other part upside down and screw the long pipe legs by doing the same previous step.

screw the long pipe legs

To build a plywood kitchen countertop DIY shelves, put the other plywood on the industrial piping to fit them together.

put the other plywood on the industrial piping to fit them together.

Paint the top countertop and then put the other plywood and screwed them.

paint the top countertop

Step 5- Apply Wood Conditioner and Water Lock to Make Your DIY Plywood Countertops Hard

If you want to make your DIY plywood kitchen countertops nice, apply the wood conditioner and wait for a day; then apply the water lox. After this, you’ll notice your plywood kitchen countertop DIY looks harder.

Design Tips to Elevate Your Plywood Countertop

However, balancing plywood countertop diy in your kitchen is hard because of its functionality and looks. Your appliances take more place than the ornamental items you use in your kitchen daily. But that doesn’t mean you should go for cheap on stunning things that will make your kitchen brighter with vibrant colors and natural textures to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Learn how to make the best plywood for countertops, implementing simple designs.

Design Tips to Elevate Your Plywood Countertop

1- Double Layer Kitchen Countertop

Your kitchen is the most common place for countertops where plywood design fits perfectly. To provide extra support, a double plywood layer is used to carry the heaviest weight on countertops. It not only increases the durability. Of course, the cost will also double. This type of DIY plywood countertop needs a stain, contact cement, saw, paint, and sandpaper.

double-layer kitchen countertop

2- Laminated DIY Plywood Kitchen Countertops

The surfaces of laminated DIY plywood countertops are water and scratch-resistant. Adding a laminated layer on your plywood countertop ensures you don’t get any stains; they look messy and take a long to dry. It’s a fast process with less stress, applying a laminated layer on your plywood kitchen countertops compared to double-layer ones.

laminated diy plywood kitchen countertops

3- Laundry Plywood Countertop

Adding countertops to your laundry room is non-negotiable if you want to improve space and comfort. It can be a thrifty idea while providing quality and efficiency. Since there’s no sink use, minimal water splashing is expected. For this project, you need 3/4 plywood, a jigsaw, wood glue, a circular saw, and a brad nailer. Do you know doubling the wood layer will increase its durability, thickness, and appeal? Furthermore, you can use wood glue between the wood layers, and the edges can be refined through clear select pine. You can choose the paint according to your color preferences and choice.

laundry plywood countertop

4- Maple Plywood Countertops

An easy grain structure of maple wood boosts its durability and hardness. Due to maple’s solid width, these designs have long-term benefits. Use 3/4 inch solid maple to get your desired thickness without joining two pieces of plywood with wooden glue. Additionally, this design ensures there are no seams.

To begin building diy plywood countertop, you require nails, screws, glue, filler, sandpaper, and trim. This process takes a little while staining takes a couple of days as you must wait to dry the plywood before applying the extra layer. An intermediate-level DIY lover can handle these types of projects with less stress.

maple plywood countertop

5- Epoxy DIY Plywood Kitchen Countertops

Epoxy DIY kitchen countertops are a method to save money without sacrificing aesthetic appeal. It usually serves as finishing materials. Using these countertops in the kitchen serves as a new lease on life. Due to the epoxy resin durability, they are usually used for refinishing. You can use it long without worrying about scratches and surface dullness. Upon cleaning, it doesn’t lose its shine as it’s resistant to chemicals being used in cleaning.

After the curing process, epoxy forms a hard and long-lasting surface. Epoxy stands very well on countertops as compared to other coatings and materials. Even these surfaces don’t develop any cracks or further damage.

epoxy diy plywood kitchen countertops

6-Simple Plywood Countertop Idea

The simple plywood countertop covers the dryer, washer, and bin area. These simple plywood countertops do not need additional elevations and levels. You’ll always be satisfied with this idea as these simple designs are easy to build. You can have a countertop above your laundry machine and get extra room for other items below the countertop.

FAQs About DIY Plywood Countertops

1- Is there a need for plywood under the countertops?

However, there’s no need to support your entire countertop with plywood. But still, there are many places where you can use it for extra protection. Ask your fabricator to add a mesh under the countertop if your dishwasher loses support.

2- Is it possible to epoxy a plywood countertop?

You must go with a two-stage process to apply epoxy to plywood. If you want a flood coat finish, you must wait a few hours after using epoxy.

3- What type of wood is used for DIY plywood kitchen countertops?

You can add the wood according to your preferences and needs. But some of the best options are oak, bamboo, maple, walnut, and cherry.

4- How can you finish the plywood countertops?

For finishing countertops, waterloo is a great choice due to the durable and appealing surfaces it produces. With a water-proof characteristic, it’s easy to maintain. By sealing out water, water lox preserves wood’s natural beauty.

5- Is plywood a good option for kitchen countertops?

Plywood is inexpensive, so choosing plywood for kitchen countertops is a good idea. You can easily cut it in any shape, and to make it more durable and versatile, you can paint or sand it.


Building a DIY plywood countertop is simple, and you don’t have any odd angles to cut. But you need to wait until a stain dries completely. Use the industrial pipe to give your countertops support. You can easily wipe up the water from DIY plywood countertops. Usually, a double plywood kitchen countertop needs an extra support to stand. For this, industrial pipes are durable and made of heavy-duty materials to give them strength. Rely on trusted sites to buy anything for your upcoming DIY plywood countertop, and for this, nothing beats VEVOR in quality.

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