How to Adjust Pressure on a Pressure Washer

If you’re looking for a powerful tool to clean around your home, a pressure washer is it. Pressure washers, such as those from VEVOR, Are very versatile tools. That being said, pressure is the keyword here.

For those of you who don’t know, most pressure washers allow you to adjust the pressure. Being able to adjust the pressure is a very important feature. This is because different tasks require different pressure levels.

Some require more than others. Some delicate tasks require light pressure, and vice versa. How to adjust pressure on a pressure washer is exactly what we’ll teach you right now.

What Can a Pressure Washer Be Used For?

The really neat thing about a pressure washer is that it’s a super versatile tool. It can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Here’s a complete list of all of the purposes that a pressure washer can be used for.

  • A pressure washer can be used to wash walkways and driveways. They’re effective at removing oil stains, grime, dirt, mold, and other contaminants. This goes for both asphalt and concrete surfaces.
  • The pressure washer is ideal for cleaning garages. Garages made with concrete floors often have grease and oil on them. A good pressure washer can effectively remove these.
  • Patios and wooden decks are also contenders for pressure washers. Pressure washers can remove stains, mildew, and dirt from the wood without damaging it.
  • A pressure washer can also be used to clean siding. The exterior siding of your home can get moldy and dirty, which a pressure washer is perfect for taking care of.
  • A prime use for pressure washers is for cleaning vehicles. RV’s, boats, cars, and anything in between are all prime contenders. Road salt, grime, and dirt can all be removed with the pressure washer. If you use the right pressure, you won’t damage the paint either.
  • Something else that a pressure washer can be used for is cleaning vinyl and wooden fences. Fences get stained and dirty, and cleaning them regularly helps make them last longer.
  • All sorts of outdoor furniture can also be cleaned using a pressure washer. You can remove mildew, dirt, and mold from many outdoor fixtures.

Why Adjust the Pressure on a Pressure Washer?

adjusting pressure washer pressure

There are several main reasons why you want to adjust the pressure on a pressure washer.

Damage Prevention

The most important reason for adjusting the pressure on a pressure washer is to avoid damage. Not all surfaces are indestructible. While concrete and asphalt might be able to handle a lot of pressure, not all materials can. Paint, vinyl siding, and wood can’t handle too much pressure. They will break, chip, and be otherwise damaged.

Better Cleaning Power

The more pressure a pressure washing question has, the better it can clean. Therefore, being able to adjust the pressure on a pressure washer is very important. Different cleaning jobs require different levels of power. You might have to adjust your pressure washer up to a very high level to clean those oil stains from your concrete driveway. It’s all about being able to maximize cleaning efficiency.

Energy and Water Conservation

Energy and water conservation should also be taken into account. If you only use as much pressure as is needed, you won’t use too much energy or water.

Longer Lifespan

Some pressure washer accessories can only handle certain amounts of PSI. Therefore, being able to adjust your PSI means prolonging the lifespan of various components.

How to Adjust the Pressure on Different Pressure Washers

There are two main types of pressure washers, and you need to know how to adjust the pressure on both of them. Here, we are talking about gas pressure washers and electric pressure washers.

Gas Pressure Washers

Gas pressure washers usually have many options for adjustment. You can adjust the pressure regulator, the spray wand, or the nozzle tips. Let’s take a look at how to do each of these.

  • To adjust the pressure regulator, first locate. You’ll usually find a regulator knob near the pump. To increase the pressure, turn the knob clockwise, and vice versa. Start low and then adjust as you see fit.
  • You can also adjust the spray wand itself. Some gas pressure washers have spray wands that allow you to change the pressure. Some models also come with lawns that you can rotate to adjust the pressure. Keep in mind that the wider the spray pattern, the lower the pressure.
  • To adjust the pressure, you can also change nozzles. Different nozzles have different pressure levels and different spray angles. This is something to consider when you are first choosing the pressure washing question.

Electric Pressure Washers

Electric pressure washers generally offer fewer adjustment options, although it is still possible. You can adjust either the pressure regulator or the nozzle.

  • Just like gas-powered models, electric pressure washers also have a regulator knob. The regulator knob is found on the spray wand or near the water outlet. Turn the knob counterclockwise to decrease pressure, and vice versa.
  • Electric pressure washers usually allow you to change the nozzle as well. Remember that different spray angles feature different pressure levels. But the wider the angle, the lower the pressure level.

How Much Pressure Should I Use?

using the pressure washer

Now that you know how to adjust the pressure on a pressure washer, let’s figure out how much pressure you should use for each of the following applications.


For a garage ground, use between 2000 and 3000 PSI. You need a relatively high-pressure setting to break down oil and grease stains. Try to start with around 2000 PSI, although you might need to move up to 3000. Concrete is quite resilient, so it shouldn’t take damage from your pressure washer. You also need a unit with a relatively high GPM.


Asphalt and concrete driveways can take even more pressure than your garage. Also, mildew, oil stains, dirt, and more can all build up on driveways. If you need to clean your driveway with a pressure washer, use a setting of up to 4000 PSI. You can start with 3000 PSI, but that might not be enough for tough stains. You’ll also want to use a nozzle with a narrow-angle.

Wooden Decks and Patios

Remember that wooden patios and decks can be relatively fragile and delicate. Therefore, you want to use a wide-angle nozzle and not too much PSI. Start with around 500 PSI. Make sure to hold the one no closer than 12 inches from the surface. If needed, you can go up to 2000 PSI. However, beware that you may cause damage to wood.


For exterior siding, don’t go above 1600 PSI. Although, for aluminum and vinyl siding, you may need around 1300 PSI at the least. You also want to use a nozzle with a wide angle. This will help avoid damage from being caused to the siding. Always remember to start at the top and work downwards.


For your vehicles, don’t exceed 1900 PSI. You don’t want to strip the paint right off of your car. For this reason, also use a relatively wide-angled nozzle. You also need to hold it at least 12 inches from your car to prevent any pain from being stripped off.

FAQs About Adjusting Pressure Washer Pressure

Here are some of your most frequently asked questions about pressure washers and PSI.

How do I know if it’s too much pressure?

If you’re causing damage to the surface, then you’re using too much pressure. If the siding is dented, you’re using too much pressure. If you’re tripping paint off of your house or car, you’re using too much pressure. If wood is splintering, that’s another sign. If there is also excessive splash back or spray back, you’re probably using too much pressure.

Can I use the same PSI for all jobs?

No, you can’t use the same PSI for all jobs. Different materials and different cleaning jobs require different pressure levels.

When does the PSI need to be adjusted?

The PSI needs to be adjusted whenever you change jobs. If you switch from cleaning your car to the siding on your home, you’ll need to change the PSI. If you go from cleaning your car to your concrete driveway, PSI will need to be increased.

What kind of nozzle do I need for fragile surfaces?

If you are washing delicate surfaces, a nozzle with a wide angle is recommended. Choose a nozzle with a 25° or 40° angle. This will help prevent damage from occurring to delicate surfaces.

Is 3,000 PSI too much for my car?

Yes, 3000 PSI is too powerful for your car. This could end up stripping paint right off of it and causing damage. Don’t use more than 1900 PSI to wash your car.

Will adjusting a pressure washer too much cause damage?

A good pressure washer, such as one from VEVOR, should not take damage from being adjusted. These units are designed to be adjusted, and this should not break them.

What to do if my pressure washer isn’t adjusting properly?

If your pressure washer isn’t adjusting properly, refer to the user manual. Make sure that all connections are properly secured and that the pressure regulator mechanism is working properly. You may need to do some troubleshooting.

Adjusting a Pressure Washer – Final Thoughts

When all has been said and done, the bottom line is that pressure washers, such as those from VEVOR, are excellent thanks to their adjustable nature. Remember, being able to adjust the PSI on your pressure washer is very important. It allows you to adjust the power level based on your current needs. Make sure you know exactly how to adjust the PSI on your pressure washer, and you should be able to handle any job just fine.

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