Home » How to Clean a Cotton Candy Machine In 4 Simple Steps

How to Clean a Cotton Candy Machine In 4 Simple Steps


For decades, cotton candy has been enjoyed by people. But have you ever wondered how to clean your cotton candy machine? Regular cleaning of your cotton candy machine is essential not only for maintaining its performance but also for ensuring the safety and quality of your sweet creations.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of cleaning your cotton candy machine in four simple steps, helping you keep the fluffiness in your treats and the machine’s longevity intact.

Preparation Before Cotton Candy Machine Cleaning

Before cleaning the cotton candy machine, please follow the steps:

● Turn off the cotton candy machine

● Let it cool

● Detach the components of the machine

● Cover the wires

4 Steps to Clean Your Cotton Candy Machine

Removing a black and brown residue from the cotton candy machine is not impossible. To clean the  cotton candy machine, follow these instructions. It’s the best cotton candy machine in the market and provides the best example of cleaning every cotton candy machine. Below are the steps to clean your cotton candy machine to keep it running last.

1. On High-Temperature: Turn On The Machine For 1 Minute

Running a machine for a minute can help it melt and break down the hardened sugar around the floss head. It’s hard to clean spin heads if sugar is burned because micro holes in sping heads make it hard to clean. So, running the machine can make cleaning off the residual sugar easy.

turn on the machine for 1 minute

2. Turn off The Machine and Unplug Its Power Source

Dissemble the parts of the cotton candy machine (spinning head) and place them aside. Remove all the sugar from the spin head by turning it upside down.

Now detach the cover of the floss head; do this step using screws. However, glue on the faucet cover’s sidewall can be removed by tapping the screws and losing the part. Don’t over-tighten the screws; you’ll damage the floss head cover. But don’t tap the sidewalls too forcibly, as it’ll cause permanent damage.

Now remove the wing nut, plastic holding washer, and steer washer. You can remove these parts by using a 7mm nut driver or a wrench. The wing nuts holding the wires to the terminal post must be removed. Furthermore, after this process, remove the lock washers, nuts and terminal ends to lift off the sidewalls with all the heating elements attached.

turn off machine and unplug

3. Use Hot Water to Clean the Parts of the Cotton Candy Machine

By using hot water, clean the side walls and the heating element. If there’s any floss sugar on the unit, hot water will help to remove it. After that, separate the heater coils from the sidewalls to gently clean the area. You can use a nylon brush or any toothbrush to remove the bits of sugar. If you still feel dirty, soak it in hot water since some heads have hard-to-reach crevices. Ensure the side walls should be dry before you install all the components.

use hot water to clean your cotton candy machine

4. Reassembling the Parts

Now, after doing all the process, reassemble the spinning head in the reverse order. Turn on the motor and power the heating so all the remaining moisture will be off within seconds.

Here’s how you can clean your cotton candy machine after every use. Also, remember to use the high-quality product to protect everyone’s health. Clean the sidewalls and heater twice a month. For optimal performance, do maintenance after every 6 months.

reassembling the cotton candy machine

Tips for Maintaining a Cotton Candy Machine

Follow the tips to maintain your cotton candy machine:

Floss sugar usage: Use one tablespoon of floss sugar per serving.

Preheating of the Machine: Let the machine run for a few minutes before pouring a floss of sugar, and upon hovering your hand over the spin head, you’ll feel hot. This will heat the sugar evenly and prevent clogging. But keep in mind cheaper machines can take up to 5 minutes for pre-heating.

Melting Hard Candy: Preheating can take longer if you find it hard in the machine. The best way is to smash the candy into chunks before heating.

Don’t Use Powder or Castor Sugar: Powdered and castor sugar works for a candy machine. But it’ll burn easily and is recommended for use for other types of festivals but not for making cotton candy.

Clean burnt sugar: Clean burnt sugar as you observe its signs starting to show. However, brown sugar is brown in color, and it’s easier to clean than a black one. Clean your cotton candy machine immediately if you observe browning along with the sidewalls.

VEVOR Cotton Candy Machine: An Easy-to-Clean Dessert Makers

Now, making cotton candy is not a troublesome task. This VEVOR 1000W cotton candy machine only requires a few minutes to preheat to produce a rapid amount of cotton candy. You can enjoy 120 cotton candies simultaneously with a 3000RPM spinning head speed that can store 15g of sugar. Satisfy your large gathering with this incredible cotton candy machine. It allows you to adjust the temperature by adjusting the voltage. This cotton candy machine should be your priority if you want to experiment with sugar flavors.

vevor cotton candy machine

The carbon steel body and 19.7-diameter stainless steel bowl provide excellent resilience to corrosion and rust. Such a high-quality cotton candy machine that is extremely sturdy and long-lasting to withstand most demanding tasks. Disassembling the washing bowl through a locking clip design is easy without producing noises and vibrations.

The friendly design of this VEVOR cotton candy maker is constructed with a cotton candy box to provide additional storage for items like bamboo sticks. Dissipation ventilation holes are designed to ensure reliability and durability for easy heat. To keep the machine stable, it has a non-slip bottom. Additionally, you can scoop and pour sugar with a sugar scoop as an extra supply.

What’s your favorite way to eat cotton candy? However, this cotton candy lets you add fruit cubes, flossing, milk sugar, and your favorite hard candies for an extra yummy taste. Its ideal size allows it to be used on countertops and is perfect for birthday parties, festivals, sports events and carnivals.

FAQs about Cotton Candy Machine Cleaning

1. How often should a cotton candy machine be cleaned?

At least once a week, cotton candy machines should be cleaned, ideally after each use. Clean your machine by soaking each item in hot water if it has been a while since it has been cleaned. Hardened sugar will dissolve this way.

2. What safety precautions should I take before cleaning the machine?

For machine safety purposes, it is very important that when performing cleaning or maintenance, people isolate or lock out the energy sources. In this process, the energy sources are disabled and locked out, so they cannot be re-energized.

3. Is it necessary to disassemble the machine for cleaning?

Yes, for precise cleaning, it’s important to disassemble the machine. But if you do cleaning while making the batches of cotton candy, you don’t need to repeatedly dissemble the cotton candy machine.

4. How can I extend the lifespan of my Cotton Candy Machine?

If you wish to prolong the life of your cotton candy machine, you should perform regular cleaning, replace any malfunctioning parts, and contact a technician if the problem persists.


To clean your cotton candy machine, soak different parts with warm water. You need to run the machine for 1 minute, then turn off the machine. Unplugging and dissembling the machine parts, soak them in hot water and floss the head for a few minutes. If necessary, brush the sugar off the floss.

Cleaning your cotton candy machine will extend its life and allow you to fulfill various operating safety requirements. Your cotton candy machine needs regular cleaning that includes heater cleaning, deep cleaning and maintenance of the brush unit.

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