How to Clean a Heat Press – A Comprehensive Guide

Heat press machines are essential parts of the printing business, and if you own one, you need to take good care of it. In order to get high-quality prints out of your heat press machine, cleanliness should be taken seriously. Neglecting the dust and grease could lead to poor transfers and even damage your machine over time. Now, you might be wondering, ‘How to clean a heat press?’. You don’t need to worry as we are about to answer all such questions in this detailed article about cleaning your heat press.

Also, in this article, we will learn about cleaning both Teflon-coated and non-Teflon-coated presses. So, you don’t have to fret about cleaning whichever type you have. Additionally, we also have some maintenance secrets so you can keep your machine in first-class condition. 

So, let’s get straight to business and find out how to clean a heat press. 

What Materials Do You Need to Clean a Heat Press Machine?

Cleaning your heat press machine is not only about keeping it shiny; instead, it is equally important for optimal performance. As discussed above, cleaning a heat press is vital to keeping it well-maintained so it can work better and longer. But before you start cleaning your heat-press, make sure you have got the essential cleaning items.

Below, we have listed down the required cleaning supplies you would need to get the job done. 

Necessary Cleaning Supplies

The first step is gathering supplies that are tough on grime but gentle on your equipment. For starters, get hold of a high-quality, non-abrasive cleaner. If there is stubborn residue left on your machine, get your hands on reusable Teflon sheets, as they are the game changers when it comes to getting rid of the tough residue.

cleaning supplies for press machine

Other things you need are soft clothes or sponges, as scratchy materials can damage the platens. Just as scratchy materials, you should also avoid using harsh soaps or chemical sprays to clean a heat press. Thus, consider getting some mild dish soap mixed with water; it will be a perfect combination to get rid of the dirt or other residue, without damaging the platens. 

Heat-Resistant Gloves: A Cleaning Must-Have

It is advised to use heat-resistant gloves when cleaning a heat press machine in order to avoid getting burnt. They also give protection from accidental slips while cleaning. Thus, investing in a good pair of heat-resistant gloves is a must-have when you are cleaning your heat press machine. 

Ensure Common Safety Measures

There are a few things that you need to stay away from in order to ensure safety. These include mixing certain chemicals, such as ammonia-based cleaners with bleach. They react strongly together and produce dangerous fumes, so it is better to avoid mixing them. Also, steer clear of abrasive tools—they might look tough against old ink stains but could leave behind scratches, thus damaging the surfaces. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning a Heat Press Machine

Although we know how to clean residue off heat press, it is important to understand the process in its entirety. By having a better understanding of how things work, you can increase the press machine’s performance. The process is simple and straightforward, whether you’re dealing with a Teflon-coated or non-Teflon surface.

1. Cleaning the Teflon-Coated Platens

First things first: before you start cleaning the machine, unplug it and let it cool. After it is cooled down, grab a soft cloth and a non-abrasive cleaner. Some of the non-abrasive cleaners include soap, dishwashing liquid, or handwash liquid. Gently wipe down the surface, getting rid of any grime left. If there are stubborn residues hidden around corners or under the crevices – use mineral spirits on another rag. Remember not to use strong chemicals on a Teflon-coated machine because they can damage the platens. 

If there is still some tough grime left after cleaning the heat press with non-abrasives, you can try another method. Plug the machine back in and let it warm up a little. Once it warms up to a certain temperature, turn it off and scrub the platens with a soft cloth while wearing heat-resistant gloves. 

Let the machine cool down, and then wipe the platens with a wet cloth to get rid of any soap leftovers. After that, wipe down other parts of the machine as well so there aren’t any fingerprints or dust buildups left. Once it is all cleaned up, dry it with a towel, and your heat press is all shiny and clean. 

2. The Non-Teflon Cleaning Challenge

If your heat press machine doesn’t have a Teflon coat, then you need to clean it differently. Unlike the Teflon-coated machine, you can use gritty cleaners to scrub your non-Teflon press. 

To clean your machine, start off by unplugging it and letting it cool down. Then, apply cleaners and scrub the grime off the plates. Once it is done, plug the machine back in and warm it up.

When the machine is warm enough to loosen any extra residue left, turn it off. After it cools down again, rub it with a cloth soaked in water mixed with mild dishwashing soap. This will help get rid of any grime left and clean your heat press machine completely. 

Finally, wipe the plates with a damp cloth and then dry them with a towel. Thus, your heat press is all cleaned up and ready to use. 

Tips for Maintaining a Heat Press Machine

Maintaining your heat press machine isn’t just about keeping it clean; it is an important process which, when mastered, can significantly extend the life of your equipment. Now that we know how to clean a heat press, we will further look into the ways we can maintain this machine. 

  • Routine Checkups and Inspection is Key

The best thing to keep a device working perfectly is to check it regularly. If you are watchful, you can catch issues before they become problems. Make sure to regularly check for loose screws or parts of a heat press so you can fix them well before they turn into a problem over time. 

Thus, it is important to have routine checkups in order to keep your heat press machine running smoothly. Once-a-month checkup would be enough to keep your machine in good condition. 

  • Cleanliness Equals Long-Lasting Quality

Keeping that pressing surface spotless ensures each product comes out looking divine. But remember, using abrasive cleaners could damage the Teflon-coated plates. So, it is better to stick with soft clothes and mild soaps tailored for this job.

If you want to clean your machine deeply, then don’t forget about the silicone pad at the base of your press. It should be given equal attention. By neglecting this part, you would have to deal with uneven pressure being applied during transfers—compromising the quality of the prints.

  • Temperature Accuracy Matters Most

To get good-quality prints out of a heat press, temperature must be maintained. For this purpose, you should invest in a high-quality thermometer. An accurate temperature reading can make all the difference in getting fine prints. 

VEVOR Heat Press Machine: Powerful and Easy-to-Clean Option

Just as we had discussed earlier, keeping a heat press machine clean is as vital as the pressing process itself. A dirty press with leftover plastic residues can result in ruined garments and transfers—something no one wants. 

Therefore, we are going to talk about a heat press machine that not only delivers high-quality performance but also boasts an easy-clean design. 

It is a VEVOR Heat Press Machine that comes with a variety of different features and functions. What makes VEVOR stand out is the easy-to-clean Teflon-coated platen. This helps in getting rid of sticky residues like vinyl. 

A VEVOR heat press machine’s sleek platen also doesn’t let other sublimation or transfer residue stick to its surface, which is a plus for fine transfers. 

Other features include a large heating pad, which allows easy transfers of prints. It also comes with an alarm which goes off when the heat press has finished heating, so you don’t forget about your items. With a controlled digital board, you can control the temperature and keep it between 0 – 570 ℉.

Thus, if you are looking for an easy-to-clean, Teflon-coated heat press, then the VEVOR heat press machine is the best choice for you. It has controlled temperature settings as well as an alarm, so you don’t have to worry about accidental burns and scratches. 

VEVOR heat-press machine

How to Clean a Heat Press – Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should you clean your heat press?

The frequency of cleaning your heat press depends upon how often you use it. If it is used regularly, then you should clean your heat press at least once a week to keep it functioning well.

2. Can I clean my heat press with alcohol?

Yes, you can, but sparingly. Isopropyl alcohol on a rag can tackle tough spots—just don’t soak the plates.

3. How to clean vinyl off a heat press?

To clean vinyl off a heat press, you can warm the machine and then rub off the residue with a soft cloth. For stubborn bits, reheat and lift the vinyl residue gently using tweezers or edge of the scraper.


How to clean a heat press should not be a problem anymore, as we have touched upon all the important parts of this discussion. With a VEVOR heat press, printing becomes more fun, and cleaning the heat press is also easier. 

Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives, as they can damage the plates of a heat press. To clean them, you can use soft cloths or sponges. If there is still some residue left, you can warm up the machine a little to soften the leftover grime. After the grime comes off, clean it with a soft cloth. 

Always remember a clean heat press can perform better than a dirty one. Cleaning your machine regularly and doing routine inspections help keep it in prime condition.

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