Effortlessly Harvest Your Honey with the VEVOR Honey Extractor

Honeybees are amazing creatures and their precious product—honey—is a delicious and natural sweetener loved by many. If you’re a beekeeper looking to harvest your honey efficiently and in a hygienic manner, a VEVOR Honey Extractor is the perfect solution. This convenient and versatile tool should be part of your beekeeping equipment, as it streamlines honey extraction and saves you time and effort.

Learn about the benefits of using a VEVOR Honey Extractor, its main features, and see a step-by-step honey extraction process with the helpful video tutorial. You’ll also find the answers to frequently asked questions. Let’s get started.

The Advantages of Using a VEVOR Honey Extractor

There are several advantages to including a VEVOR Honey Extractor in your honey harvesting:

Advantages of using VEVOR Honey Extractor
  • Efficiency

The typical way of manually extracting honey from frames is tedious and time-consuming. VEVOR’s Honey Extractor uses centrifugal force to efficiently spin the honey out of the frames, significantly reducing extraction time.

  • Minimal Honey Loss

Traditional methods of honey extraction can often result in wasted honey. VEVOR’s Honey Extractor ensures maximum honey yield by effectively extracting honey from all sides of the frames.

  • Gentle on Honeycombs

Unlike traditional and forceful extraction methods, this honey extractor uses a gentle spinning motion that minimizes damage to delicate honeycombs. This allows you to reuse the frames for future honey production and extraction.

  • Hygienic Honey Harvest

The stainless-steel construction of VEVOR’s Honey Extractor offers a clean and hygienic environment for your honey. This helps to maintain the purity and quality of the honey.

  • Multiple Frame Capacity

VEVOR’s Honey Extractors come in various frame capacities, allowing you to choose the model that best suits the size of your beekeeping operation.

Key Features of the VEVOR Honey Extractor: 

Here’s a closer look at the features of VEVOR’s Honey Extractors:

  • Durable Stainless Steel Construction

Made from high-quality, food-grade stainless steel, VEVOR’s Honey Extractor is built to last for years. This material is resistant to corrosion and rust and easy to clean, ensuring good hygiene during honey extraction.

  • Transparent Honey Gate

The honey extractor’s transparent honey gate allows you to carefully monitor the flow of honey and conveniently control the extraction process.

  • Stable Stand

The extractor has a sturdy and stable stand and adjustable legs that prevent wobbling or tipping during operation, ensuring safety and minimizing the loss of honey.

  • Honey Strainer

The included honey strainer helps filter out unwanted debris or wax particles from your honey, resulting in a cleaner and refined final product.

Easy to install VEVOR Honey Extractor

Step-by-Step Guide to the VEVOR Honey Extractor 

(Following the video guide: https://youtu.be/lZvyrTEUX2U)

The video linked above provides a clear guide to using your VEVOR Honey Extractor. 

Here’s a summary of the steps involved:


  1. Gather Your Supplies: Aside from your VEVOR Honey Extractor, you’ll need a honey uncapping tool, a bucket or container to collect the honey, a mesh strainer, and clean, sanitized jars for storing your honey after extraction.
  2. Prepare Your Honey Frames: Carefully remove the wax caps from the honey frames using the uncapping tool. This allows the honey to flow freely during extraction.
  3. Position the Extractor: Place the extractor on a flat surface. Ensure the honey gate is closed.

Honey Extraction Process:

  1. Load the Frames: Carefully load the frames into the extractor basket, ensuring they are evenly balanced. Refer to your extractor’s manual for the recommended frame capacity.
  2. Close the Lid: Securely close the lid of the extractor.
  3. Start Extracting: Turn the crank handle slowly and steadily at a moderate speed. The centrifugal force will expel the honey from the frames as the extractor spins.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Observe the honey flow through the transparent honey gate. You can adjust the speed of the crank handle as needed to optimize extraction.

Honey Collection and Processing:

  1. Open the Honey Gate: Once honey extraction is complete, open the honey gate slowly to allow the honey to flow into your collection container.
  2. Strain the Honey: Pour the extracted honey through a mesh strainer to remove any remaining wax particles or debris.
  3. Jar and Store: Transfer the clean honey into sanitized jars and seal them tightly. Store your honey in a cool, dark place for optimal quality and longevity. You now have freshly harvested honey!

Tips for Using Your VEVOR Honey Extractor:

  • Start Slow: When first using your VEVOR Honey Extractor, begin cranking slowly and gradually increase it as you become more comfortable with the process. This helps to minimize honey splatters and ensures smooth extraction.
  • Balance is Key: Check that the frames are evenly balanced within the extractor basket. This prevents excessive vibration and allows for efficient honey extraction.
  • Clean Up Thoroughly: Clean your extractor thoroughly with warm water and a mild soap solution after each use. This maintains the tool’s cleanliness and prevents the buildup of sticky honey residue.


Q: What size honey extractor should I choose?

A: The ideal size of your honey extractor depends on the scale of your beekeeping operation. VEVOR offers extractors with capacities ranging from three to eight frames. Consider the number of hives you have and the average honey yield per harvest to make the best choice.

Q: Do I need to preheat the extractor before use?

A: No, Preheating the extractor is not necessary. However, some beekeepers prefer to warm the extractor slightly with lukewarm water. Doing this can help the honey flow more freely during extraction.

Q: How fast should I spin the extractor?

A: We recommend starting slowly and gradually increasing the speed to a moderate pace. Spinning too quickly can damage the honeycombs and reduce the quality of your honey.

Q: Can I reuse the honeycombs after extraction?

A: Yes, VEVOR’s Honey Extractor’s gentle spinning motion allows you to reuse the honeycombs for future honey harvests.

Experience VEVOR Honey Extractors

The VEVOR Honey Extractor is a valuable tool for any beekeeper. Gathering honey has never been easier, thanks to the extractor’s efficient design, durable stainless steel construction, and user-friendly operation. It streamlines the honey extraction process, saving you time and effort while maximizing your honey yield.

Upgrade your beekeeping experience today. Visit VEVOR’s website to browse high-quality honey extractors that best fit your needs.

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