What is a Sewer Scope? Unveiling VEVOR’s Inspection Edge

What is a sewer scope?

Your sewer lines and pipes should be regularly inspected, something that you as a new homeowner may not be aware of. If you fail to do regular inspections, you might run into some very serious issues. There could be clogs, total blockages, cracks, leaks, or even total breakages. Even small problems can turn into costly disasters if not diagnosed and treated in time.

The simple reality is that something like a sewer scope can end up saving you thousands of dollars by detecting hairline fractures, cracks, missing sections, blocks, and much more.

Purchasing your own sewer scope allows you to engage in prevention and detection. Remember, it’s always much cheaper to identify a potential issue or small problem and then fix it, rather than wait for a huge issue to occur, which will then require much more extensive repairs or replacements.

So, what exactly is a sewer scope inspection and what is a sewer scope anyway? We’re here to answer these questions and much more, and to take a look at what is effectively one of the very best sewer scopes on the market, the VEVOR Sewer Camera.

What is a Sewer Scope Inspection?

A sewer scope is a simple yet effective tool, a high-definition camera fixed onto a very long cable that you can then feed into your pipes and plumbing system. The aim of any sewer scope or sewer camera is to take a much closer and more detailed look at the inside of those pipes.

Doing a sewer scope inspection involves using state-of-the-art tech, such as the VEVOR sewer scope, to look at sewers and popes. The camera is fed down into the sewer system on a long cable, with that cable leading back to a screen or monitor.

The operator can therefore view the live image on the monitor to identify and diagnose plumbing issues in real time. Once again, a sewer scope allows you to inspect your plumbing and sewer systems with the aim of preventative maintenance.

The Importance of Sewer Scope Inspections

If you are wondering why sewer scope inspections are so important, keep reading because there are actually quite a few reasons to get one done.

For New Homeowners

As a new homeowner, you might not be aware of the poor condition of the plumbing and sewer line of the home you just bought. To prevent any costly repairs or replacements being needed in the future, inspecting the sewer lines when you first move in is always a good idea. A good sewer scope lets you identify those problems before they get much worse.

Health Risks

There are some health risks that are associated with older sewage and plumbing lines, ones that you should probably best avoid. These are things you can easily find using a model like the VEVOR sewage camera.

Finding Clogged Pipes

One of the biggest reasons for you to consider regular sewer scope inspections is to find any potential clogs. If you notice backed up water or sewage, or foul odors in your home, there might be a clog somewhere along the line. If you want to find the clog without having to dig up the entire yard, a sewer camera can certainly come in quite handy.

Identifying Damaged Areas

Perhaps the number one reason to get those sewer lines regularly checked is to identify potential issues before they deteriorate further. Small hairline fractures and cracks can quickly turn into major splits and even shattered sections of pipe.

These are issues that can cost thousands of dollars. Of course, using a sewer camera is all about early detection and prevention. If you can identify weak spots before things get worse, then you can make the necessary repairs much cheaper than it would cost if you waited much longer.

Saving Money

What it all comes down to is that a good sewer camera like that from VEVOR can help you identify relatively low cost issues before they turn into financial disasters.

saving money with the VEVOR sewer camera

When is a Sewer Scope Inspection Necessary?

Now that we know what sewer scope inspections are beneficial, let’s find out when it is time to do one.

When You Purchase a Home

Unless you are buying a newly built home, you want to do a sewer inspection. You don’t want to buy a house just to find out that you’ll have to sink tens of thousands of dollars into costly replacements. Always know what you are getting into.

If You Are Experiencing Backups

If you have any kind of clog or blockage, especially if you have raw sewage flowing back up through your pipes and out of your fixtures. Then it is absolutely time to get a camera down there to see what the issue is.

If You Have an Old House

If you have an older home, especially one that was built more than 20 years ago, chances are that you have clay or ceramic pipes. Unfortunately, these pipes are known for having many issues, with cracking and leaking being among them. If you think that your pipes are decades old, it might be time to do some investigation.

If There is Water Damage

If you see that there is water damage, especially in the lower level of your home, where the foundation is, then there is some kind of leak. A sewer camera like the one from VEVOR might be the only way to find the leak and to stop your foundation from crumbling.

What to Look For During a Sewer Scope Inspection

There are a few important things to look out for during a sewer scope inspection, including the following:

  • Hairline fractures
  • Cracks
  • Splits
  • Missing sections
  • Clogs
  • Blockages
  • Tree roots
  • The material (inspect to see what the pipes are made of)

VEVOR Sewer Camera: Your Tool for Efficient Inspections

The VEVOR Sewer Camera is certainly one of the better models on the market, with one reason being that it has a nearly 100-foot-long cable, which means you should be able to reach deep down into your sewer system. The handy cable reel allows you to extend and retract the cable as needed.

VEVOR sewer camera

It comes complete with a high-quality camera, combined with a state-of-the-art monitor, so you, the user, can see what is going on at all times. Yes, the camera also comes with powerful LED lights, so you aren’t left in the dark, not to mention that it’s built with sturdy and 100% waterproof materials.

VEVOR sewer inspection monitor

The DVR function and the SD card let you record what you see for future analysis. The fact that the VEVOR also comes with an 8500 mAh battery is nothing short of impressive, as it can run for a whopping 14 hours before it needs to be plugged in for charging. Here’s a great plumbing endoscope camera to consider if you need something smaller and more portable, the VEVOR Articulating Borescope Camera


The bottom line here is that a VEVOR sewer camera can help you detect small problems in your sewer lines before they snowball and turn into huge and costly disasters. Remember, doing a regular sewer camera inspection is not hard or time-consuming, but it can save you thousands of dollars.

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