First off the only reason I'm giving 4 stars instead of 5, is the some of the glass came scratched up. Tonight, is her maiden voyage. We're doing hot links and cheese brats. I've got room to spare using the big dogs which was why I upgraded to this. Large ones you have to use every other roller or they'll collide. This solves that. Starting off, she had a pretty bad grunt to it... I attributed this to it being new, but after letting it run 30 or so, I decided to break out my level, and the area where I had it was not perfectly level... maybe a wadded up tissue could have fixed it, but instead I moved it a bit to the left where I knew we were good, and the gronk is gone. Shouldn't be that sensitive to leveling but hey, it's working. It's got plastic/rubber? bushing on each side of the rollers that often prefer to NOT stay in place, and as per the manual, yea first fire up is a bit stinky, but it doesn't last long. Temp achieves pretty fast, and the hood keeps heat in pretty well. I find I have to occasionally re-add grease to the rollers or things want to try and stick a little bit, but after an hour of lettin'er go slow, no issues at all.. I got half a mind to buy some of those LED strips or some such and add those to the glass just for a more gas station special effect lol Assembly wasn't bad, but the screws were cross threaded by some dummy at factory, but they still went in the hole. At least I know how to run a tap and die. My warming rack came bent, but that's nothing a bench vice, two beers, and a quick whack won't fix. It works, it's kinda charming, and it's kinda fun walking past the literal thing I see at the gas station every day on the way home with those good looking dogs on it.. only I don't have to touch other peoples boogers. It comes with a pair of kinda cheap tongues, and a couple lowes special horse hair paint brushes for applying your oil. It works, don't fight it, it works lol