Vevor is based out of Shanhai, China. They cannot do refunds because the products you order, come from the factories in China. You can get 95 percent of these products through WALMART's website. Plus, you get 90 days to return your product. They only deal with reputable vendors. Vevor has you jump through hoops and here is there process. 1st, text your problem to their customer service person. 2nd They tell you to do a video of the problem and take pictures of your problem. 3rd, you have to wait 1 to 3 days to get a email sent to you. 4th, they move you up a priority list that goes up to 5. 5th, then you loose communication with them.
There address in Bloomington, CA is a bogus address. It does not exist. I drove to this address and it was next to a train track. This address does not exist. My advice to you. Go to a reputable company, do a google search on Vevor and you will see all their complaints. It's not just me. It's been brought to the police and they can't do anything about it because they are in China. BEWARE!