good and sturdy. The bottom two stands are made of glass, which is nice and easy to clean. However, I didn't enjoy the assembly process. The instruction guide consists only of pictures, but you have to pay close attention to ensure you're selecting the correct parts. I needed help to put it together, and some steps were difficult and required two people. During the very last part of the manual, I had to watch a general video on how to attach a TV to a wall mount to understand what I was supposed to do. It's crucial to choose the correct screw during the last two steps, as you don't want to damage your television. The manual has pictures to warn about this, but it doesn't explicitly state that you should stop if the screw doesn't fit. Be careful with steps 3 and 4. After completing step 5, I had some pieces left over that I needed help with. I was worried that not using these pieces would affect my TV being on the mount, but it's working out fine so far; my TV seems secure. Overall, I'm happy. I would spend a little more in the future for better instructions and to ensure the overall finish is 100% secure.