Roto Rooter wanted $500 to locate a sewer pipe at a shop I recently purchased. I discovered the Vevor duct camera online for $600+ and crossed my fingers that it would do the job. I was skeptical no doubt. The unit came in two very nice cases. One for the camera system and one for the hand held receiver. All components are nicely fitted into compartments inside the cases. I tested and got familiar with the system for about an hour and off to the shop I go. I start feeding the camera head down a floor drain 3" white pvc pipe. I drop down about 2' (clear picture)and hit water (cloudy picture) and push through a pee trap and into the drain line (clear picture). I continued feeding the camera through another 60' of 3" pvc pipe until I reach the clean out pipe that drops to 8' and out to the city sewer line. The self leveling camera worked wonderful with a nice clear picture. I was in video mode so all was recorded. So now I get the hand held receiver out and start locating and marking concrete as I'm pulling the camera back out of the pipe. (many trips back and forth as I worked alone). I was surprised how well the camera system worked. I did have to learn what worked and what didn't. My first try feeding the camera through the pipe I had issues with binding up and hard to feed. The line is a stiff fiberglass cable and wound tightly inside the case so has the same reaction as a garden hose or extension cord to want to twist and not lay flat. So my second attempt I pulled out 75' of cable and got all the twists and kinks out of the cable so it was laying flat and then feeding cable into pipe worked well. The hand held receiver has a speaker to project sound as you move and point the receiver to find the transmitter in the pipe. The sound from the speaker was a little difficult to determine transmitter location. However the hand held receiver comes with ear buds that you plug into the receiver. OK now I got it figured out. With the ear buds it was night and day difference and could here the different tones as I got closer or farther from the transmitter. It was my first time running a sewer camera so yah it took some learning along the way. All in all I'm very pleased with my purchase and it got the job done. My next locate will be much easier and faster and I think I might be able to make some extra money with this machine.