I did not want to spent a couple/several hundred dollars for a distiller so I decided to give this a try. I do believe this was used so I am disappointed in that because I don't believe I order a used product - I never buy used. The product was not packaged by a company, the cord was hand-coiled and parts were not in sealed plastic, but were loose in the box and the metal spout is all scratched up. I considered contacting the seller and complaining, but I needed distilled water pronto and decided to try it out. It works great! I really like it. However, there is a jar of some kind of powder included to use to clean the distiller. The jar has a label with instructions, but no label saying what the product is made of or who made it or how to order more of it. There is an instruction pamphlet, but there is no product name or product information on anything. No information given to contact the company should I have any questions or problems. The only thing that has the company name is the distiller itself. If just says Mophorn. So, I still question if I should complain but it is working really well and other than a few scratches it is in perfect condition.