Customer Reviews for VEVOR Adult Tricycle 7 Speed Cruise Bike 20 inch Adjustable Trike with Bell Brake System Cruiser Bicycles Large Size Basket for Exercise (Yellow 20 7Speed)
Just what I wanted. Thanks! So far it's been what I wanted and does what it's suppose to do. For a older person it's what we need. We don't have to worry about tipping it over. It's great I don't have to worry. The two wheel tip over really easy. Thanks so much.
This bicycle is well constructed, strong. Bought this for my wife and she loves it. I put the switch 350 watts motor on the front wheel and it can zoom. Very happy with the purchase.
This trike was pretty easy to assemble. It rode and looks great! A good value!! My only issue is that the assembly instructions had a different way to attach the chain than the tools included. I figured it out and the bike came out awesome.
The only Problem was the manual was not very clear, if not machinal inclined you would have Problems putting it to gather. The bike is as described and I like it very much, it is value the money.
We figured for the price we might be more disappointed but the answer is NO!!! My sister is autistic and has an older one from my in-laws and having 2 trikes with the baskets makes for the best family ridesfor small shopping trips.
Perfect for the lazy days Easy to push nice and slow going on those days I did put a giant colored fish sock and attached it to the flag for the attention to those r not so awake drivers