The bike rack has a pretty good basic design, but the Sino reverse engineers failed to follow through. The materials (basically cheap steel exhaust pipe from a Yugo) is strong enough, but the 3 horizontal bars flex in the middle where they are joined. Paint is one thin coat at best (not powder coat) and the gray is much too light for my taste. Finally, when fully assembled, the unit has a tenancy to skew from a rectangular base shape to a trapezoid! No bracing! Russian philosophy; "Shoot the engineers, its time to launch!" It's a shame it could have been 5 stars with a tiny bit more cost to manufacture. Recommendation: Ditch the useless tiny wrench, metric tape measure and bright orange level and add some more basic engineering and decent paint to the rack!What I did for about 4 dollars to recover a fairly descent bike rack for 'merican tastes: Epoxied 3 horizontal bar joints and Locktited set screws to add stability. Added 4" sections of PVC pipe INSIDE the steel Yugo tubing to add strength at all orthogonal joints and tightened all (tiny) bolts to the max, just before round tubing starts to deform. (throw the stupid little wrench away along with the metric tape measure. Both are equally useless) I added washers to all tiny bolts and installed the nuts and washers on the BOTTOM of the rack. Sprayed with 2 coats of darker gray paint to protect, darken, and make prettier. Tightly secured to ground with 2 swing set anchors to add stability. Now it LOOKS and FEELS much better. Time will tell if it holds up.