When I purchase the order it stated it was a NEW bike. What I received does not look like it was new. There is rust in different parts of the bike, the design stickers are peeling off the bike, one of the support stand looks like it was burned, stickers were pealed off the pedals. I feel cheated. After assembling the bike, looks like it runs okay. Not too happy with the resistance knob, it’s either low or extremely high, no in between. Also, It doesn’t tell you how much resistance your adding is simply negative or possible. It was easy to assemble, only needed help from my 11 years old when setting it down on the support stands. It is quiet while being used. Seat looks like it will work. I would probably rate it higher if I didn’t feel I was cheated and shipped a used bike instead of a new piece. PS: I have picture but it won’t let me upload them