After a series of health issues, beginning in 2014, I no longer had the balance necessary to ride a standard bike. I saw the trike and have enjoyed riding it for the few days I have owned it. I hired someone to assemble it, but he seemed to have no trouble with assembly. Since then, my husband or I have adjusted the seat and handle bars without issue. Trikes require more room for turns and they steer differently from a standard bike, which surprised me. However, after one day of running into curbs, I got the hang of it. My cardio conditioning is really poor, but each day, my endurance builds a little and I enjoy riding. Unlike my bike, which could fit on a standard trunk mounted bike carrier, the trike is big and weighs around 70 lbs so I am still puzzling how to transport it to places I used to carry my bike. However, it’s a great trike, and I am glad I am able to ride again.