I ordered two handrails, this one and a two post one. The directions for this one did now say what size hole to drill for the expansion bolts. The two post one had a drill bit in it. II assumed that they were the same size and only one drilll bit was sent for both orders.
I drilled the holes for this handrail first - with the 10 mm drill bit. And inserted one of the expansion bolts for the two post handrail, by mistake.
Eventually I figured out that a 12 mm drill was needed for this handrail's bolts. But I could not get the bolt out since it was installed.
I finished installing the other 3 - 12 mm expansion bolts.
Now I am short one bolt for the two pole handrail.
My suggestion is - in the instructions for this handrail please state that a 12 mm impact drill be used to drill the hole.
Also, if you happen to have an extra 10 mm expansion bolt laying around that could be sent to me to complete the installation of the two pole handrail, it would be appreciated.
Don Horan
708 Helmsdale Place South
Brentwood, TN 37027