I've bought 3 of these all from different sellers and this is by faaaar the best! Initially The shipping company was too rough with the crate or dropped it and cracked the bed and had to get a replacement, but the machine is great. This company took the time to go through and make sure every screw and slide was tight, clean and working perfect. I paid twice as much $$$ for ones from Bestequip and Mophorn thinking you get what you pay for so it has to be good right. WRONG! What i got were machines that looked like they tried to break every single part on them purposely before they sent them out. And they looked like they had been used for years by rough children or maybe they were used for target practice. The one from Mophorn had bent lead screws, bent Gib strips, cracked headstock case and holes everywhere like it was shot or someone was practicing hole drilling skills. I'm glad I found this seller. Their customer support team is very nice, generous and knowledgeable. Well worth it and would definitely buy from them again.