The product is very sturdy and looks great. I like the idea that the handrail adjusts to a variety of angles. This is very useful. However, with the adjustment, the product lacks a good way to lock-in the final angle of the handrail. The two sections have a disk on either end that fit together. A steel ball, split in half, contains a threaded rod on one side. The idea is to place the threaded rod through the opening where the disks come together. Then, you tighten the other half of the steel ball over the threaded rod. The problem is you can't tighten the two halves of the steel ball enough to keep the disks from slipping, changing the angle of the handrail. My solution was, after the two disks are anligned to the correct angle for the handrail, drill a hole through both disks and insert a small bolt to keep the hand rails and disks, from slipping. After doing that, the handrail maintains the correct angle and is strong.