Once put together this is sturdy and works well. The key is “once”. The instructions are poor and the photos in them are very bad quality.There are two supports with two holes that are inserted into the back. It looks like you could just slip them in. You cannot, the holes on those have to line up with the holes on the wheel support and the frame, which means you need multiple sets of hands to keep them all lined up so you can get the bolts in as the supports do NOT rest on the bottom and have the holes line up.There are two sets of bolts, one shorter than the other. The shorter ones go down on the bottom to attach the wheels. The longer ones at the top to attach the handles.Do not put the wheels on until you have the bolts for the rest of it attached.They give you a very lightweight wrench and one of those angled screwdrivers. These are not sturdy enough to assemble the cart. You need a socket wrench and a real screwdriver and a pair of pliers to actually put this together.The wheels are held on with cotter pins, not my favorite design.However once you get this together it is really nice for moving heavy stuff and it works on normal stairs. You have to yank a little but it is easier than with just two wheels. And the wheels will not be flat when you go to use it as they are solid rubber.Comes with some bungee cords.You cannot adjust the height. It is pretty tall.It took two of us 30 min to put it together, mostly because of the directions and trying to use the poor quality tools. Probably can be done in 20 min.