After getting tired of dealing with issues with a Kitchenaid mixer, I decided to give this one a try. I wasn't sure what to expect, since the other has been the standard most people go by, and I've never heard of this brand before. This one works completely different than the other, and it took some getting used to before I was comfortable with it. It has what seems like endless power, and makes easy work of two pound batches of bread dough, even at low speeds that would bog down the other I've been using. This one also seems to make less of a mess, likely because the design doesn't sling flour all over the place. The mixer does fine with wet ingredients, and the scraper on the paddle gets the edges really well in the mixing bowl. Cleanup is simple, and unlike the kitchenmaid, if the dough starts to creep upward, it doesn't get grease from the drive shaft on the food. I'd choose this over the "Classic" from the other company. I haven't found anything that this one doesn't do as well or better than the other, although the other has an accessory power point that this one does not. If you need to use attachments like pasta makers or meat grinders, this brand does offer a model with that feature. I'd highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great mixer with plenty of power to knead hard doughs, or for ay other mixing duties in the kitchen. I'm very happy with this product.