I don’t typically write reviews, but I am very impressed with this purchase. I wanted a cheap hiking bag so I don’t have to carry my pack when I’m sure camping and this fit the bill perfectly. I had no issues so far with the strap, although I can imagine that will be the weak point of the bag possibly. The interior liner is great to help make the bag more water resistant and may deteriorate over time, but I’ve had bags that are 4 times the price with a similar lining. Size is perfect for me. It can fit a journal, book, bandana and knit cap, camp towel, fixed blade knife or pocket knife, flashlight, headlamp, enough camp snacks for 2 people, a large power bank. Phone and cords, and with a $10 molle strap, fits my 32 oz yeti on the side with ease. Maybe about 10 lbs of total weight. I can’t really imagine what else I could need on even longer hikes. For $16 ($26 with the water bottle strap), I could not be more satisfied.