Going into make sure to do some research first. I watched couple YouTube videos first to make sure depth of cutting making sure not to go into the hood brace. I didn't time it but I'd say bout 2-3 hours I was going slow too making sure to take my time. Make sure to file or brush the edges and paint to prevent early rust. For those saying to get longer bolts, no need just hole punch from the bottom. I installed all the bolts I could first and there was 4 left I had punch from the top and used a hole bunch from the bottom to tighten the last 4. I used a angle grinder others have used dermals, whatever is easier for you. I also removed the hood others have left it on me personally wouldn't recommend would be easier on the ground then standing over the hood and risk shaving to get all over engine bay. I did this by myself and wasn't to bad even with hood removal. But I also work with power tools and have some mechanic know how, I'd rate medium on level scale. Looks good and I'm happy with it. Also fyi won't lower your coolant temp just helps cycle the heat to help prevent more wear and tear on hoses and wires, ect.