This set looks great! The cushion is comfortable and everything seems very sturdy with good quality.
I assembled this by myself. The table was quick and easy to set up. Chairs: like all knockdown furniture, insert bolts carefully hand tight only. Apply criss-cross. Tighten only at end. Bolts could strip, so align carefully (we had no problem). If you experience trouble with alignment on a particular connection, loosen the other bolt(s).
There may be some resistance due to the paint. At one point, I thought that I would need to drill out a hole in the table leg- the bolt would not pass through the hole. Turned out to be the paint thickness; carefully threading the bolt through beforehand displaced the paint and solved this.
Two people are helpful in steadying the parts in place, but assembly *can* be completed by one person. My daughter and I completed it in about 35 min."