Pretty much the quality I was expecting. Nothing overly great but seems pretty decent especially for the price. Easy to assemble but instructions were not much help. Seems to reduce some noise but didn't test it too much. Also in the pictures advertised it seemed to be very flush between panels and as you can see there is a small gap so which I could see being a deal breaker for some cause I would have preferred to have it with no gaps.For the assembling this is what I learned. Big screws hold the wheels in at the bottom of the panel with the pegs that stick out. Skinny screws go along the sides. Short screws go on the top. Works best to do the whole bottom row before attaching the top if linking all the panels together because you'll need to have it on its side to connect them. Only one side of the wheels locks so might want those in the same side for easier access. I would also put all the side screws in the holes first before putting the nuts on because you may need to shift it around to get the screw through and it doesn't move much especially if one of the screws is already tightened.Here's what I got