My 41 year old son assembled my trike in about 2 hours because he's handy with tools. I'm 4' 11 1/2" tall and slender at 98 pounds so bought the 24" trike. It did not fit as well as I would like. With the seat at the lowest setting, the seat level, and the handlebars at the highest setting, I had the sensation as if I would go over the handlebars when I test sat the trike. He raised the seat up one setting, adjusted the seat to be tipped upward, and tipped the handlebars upward. This made it better, but after going on a couple of short trips to the nearby stores, I felt my lower back strained and arms stretched out too much. I had my son adjust the seat to be level again. Hopefully, my back and arms feels less strained. My leg does feel cramped when I pedal, but I do not want to raise the seat anymore because it wouldn't allow my arms to be at the best position for the handlebars. If the bike could be redesigned so that the stem of the handlebars was longer to allow it to be raised more, than the seat could be raised, and then my legs could stretch out more and not feel cramped. An improved tricycle like this would probably get 5 stars from me. Another negative point is that the steering is not aligned. The handlebars want to pull to the left relative to the front wheel. My son mentioned that this was due to some irregularity about the number of spokes, I believe. I can't recall exactly, but I think he said that there was an extra spoke? Overall, the Schwinn Meridian 24" tricycle did not meet all my expectations.