Before ordering this bike I read all the reviews and they seems pretty good, except for the assembly, so I went ahead and ordered. I thank everyone who wrote reviews as they were soooo correct. My husband had taken bikes apart and reassembled for the kids and done a lot of repairs on his own bike so he thought it would be no problem. Well, it took twice as long as we expected and thank heavens he has a huge, fully stocked repair shop in the garage cuz he needed a lot of tools. The ones that come with the bike are kind of useless. But once we got it together, it is a great bike. I am 73 yrs old and have had some problems with balance so was fearful of a 2-wheel bike. This one rides great and I feel very secure. I am including a photo because I am 5'4" and ordered the 20 inch wheels. I wanted to make sure my feet touched the ground. It's a great size, and I can ride like the wind!