Was skeptical about the purchase, i needed a quick replacement. Didn't want to spend 800 bucks for a reliable motor from foredom. I chose this 1 and it's everything the foredom motor is. I wish it came with a metal foot pedal but for the money you're getting a real deal. I'm considering buying more from this brand. The rolling mills look really nice. So far the tools are well made and worth it. I kinda thought it would be like harbor freight and don't get me wrong they have good things also but you have to pick and choose. I'm seeing that I'm able to shop for vevor products online and feel confident that I'm going to receive a quality product. I think it would be cool to build a studio utilizing this brand and evaluate the cost VS buying thr big name. I'd bet it would blow minds and sell more for you guys. I have the space, just need the tools. Wanna sponsor me?