After a cheaper, lower quality utility cart broke the first time we used it, I wanted a very sturdy, well-made cart, and this one fits the bill. Because it's made of steel and has better tires (pneumatic) than most similar items, I expect this cart to last a long time. My husband (76 yrs old) was able to assemble it in about 20 minutes, with minimal assistance from me; everything fit together as designed. While we haven't had to haul anything heavier than a 60 lb bag of sand so far, this cart will be very useful in the spring when we have to bring all of our outdoor items out from the basement. No idea if it will actually hold 900 lbs (who would need it to?), but it will also be tested this summer when we have to transport a load of landscape rock from the front yard to the back. The removable sides make it easier to place items within, and the rubber liner helps protect and secure the contents from damage. I am very pleased with this cart and, at this price point, can definitely recommend it.