I bought one of these on a whim to supplement my off-grid solar array with a bit of help at night. Unit appeared high quality. Powder coated motor, high quality hardware - -washers AND Lockwashers - (almost unheard of these days). Drilling was to spec and pieces went together easilly. I mounted it on a 1.25 inch black pipe with a threaded flange from an orange home chain store. The drilled holes almost match the 4 pattern flange holes. (A dremel tool helps.) Major Kudos to a Chinese company for putting out glossy photographic instructions with a professional quality English translatio!. (Much better than some I've seen.!) As noted, output can be inconsistent in gusty winds, and you really need to be honest with yourself about how much wind is blowing at the mounting location vs. the treetops. Also, as noted, the controller will track wind gusts with lag. This will work best in a location with steady winds. I don't get as much as I hoped for, but on very windy nights, my overnight battery voltage drop is noticably less than it was before I installed it. Lastly, laws of physics say the wind pressure (I.e. power) goes up with the square of the wind speed more or less, so although it will generate power at lower wind speeds, don't expect much until you get steadily above 20mph or so.