I like the case. Seems very sturdy. I bought this for my nord electro 6D 73 key keyboard. It’s 42” wide x 11” deep and fits very snuggly. Leaves room for cord and sustain pedal too. I felt like this was a use case that was hard to find reviews for, as it’s meant to be a gun case. Good: sturdy, great value for the price, plenty of padding, easy to pull the padding apart to customize for what you want to protect. Bad: it’s heavy. 20lbs empty + 20lb keyboard makes it pretty heavy to carry (luckily it has wheels!). Hinges don’t seem quite as “beefy” as I would expect - there’s just a little bit of flex when you close it so curious what that will be like in 2 years. When resting on its side, it’s prone to tip. I would say it needs bigger feet, but wouldn’t want to add weight. I’m happy so feel good about it!