Afrer using this lovk for several weeks, love the lock and all of it's features with one major gotcha. If you are purchasing different models of vevor smart lovks, as we did, be advised our other model lovk uses a totally different app! Unbelievable! To control our front door, use this app. To control our side door, a totally different app. We are used to 4 digit vodes, as that is what another manufacturer uses, and we have installed hundreds of their locks. This vevor lock demands 6 digits. This lock is on wifi and the internet without purchasing an interface box. The other vevor style with the different app you must purchase an interface box to enable interet control. Fingerprint sensor works fairly well, the rfid tags work great, and one tag will control both models of locks we purchased from vevor. For their cost, great locks. We will see how well they hold uo in Midwest winters as 1 of out locks is totally unprotected. The others are under porches and partially protected from freezing rain and such