I purchased the 10.5’ single button model to access my attic. The ladder is hefty and well made and it extends and contract smoothly. Easy to store in a nearby closet. Extending the ladder is straightforward, place a foot on the lower rung and raise the ladder by grasping the lowest section and work your way up, section by section, leaving any unused sections at the top of the ladder (Some reviewers improperly do the opposite by raising the upper sections first and leaving unused sections at the bottom which you have to step over the climb the ladder). Lowering is straightforward also, press the release button (one button) and lower down section by section using care not to allow it to collapse too quickly or pinch fingers between rungs. I’m over 220lbs and climbing up to the top of this 10.5’ ladders into the attic creates almost no flex in the ladder, the red/green locked/unlocked indicators at each section ensure the ladder is locked and ready to climb.