This is nice efficient step up / step down transformer. It's quite efficient because it employs a large toroidal transformer to translate the voltage and current. Just remember: A practical conversion factor is 90 percent, so 5KW at 110 volts is 45 Amps, so it would produce 220 volts at 22 Amps, but 90 percent rule means more like 220 volts at 20 Amps. I bought this transformer to step up my voltage from my VEVOR 3600 Watt Pure Sine Wave Inverter because I want to have a portable source for both 120 VAC and 220 VAC. The 3.6 KW is 120 VAC at 29 Amps, But realistically I wouldn't press it beyond 25 Amps. So the transformer should output 220- VAC, 14.5 Amps, But 90 percent means it would be more like 12 or 13 Amps. I haven't even come close to that kind of load, but one has to plan ahead these days. This Transformer cost a lot less than buying a separate 12-Volt to 220 Volt Pure Sine Wave Inverter, and my 110 Volt Inverter was VEVOR-priced and easy to buy. It cost as much for the 12-volt cables (300 Amps Rated) as it did for the Inverter! But, with this Transformer, I'm now equipped to have mobile power for anything, and at a very reasonable cost.