The BestEquip VH-8 V-blender arrived well-packaged and undamaged. The seller shipped it from their US warehouse VERY quickly. I reached out to customer service and I found them extremely friendly and willing to help. Upon initial inspection, I'm quite pleased with the build quality of the BestEquip VH-8 V-blender. Of course, it is not the same quality as a $50000 v-blender, but for the price I am very impressed with the quality. I was particularly interested in the finish inside the V tubes. I found it acceptable. I may polish up some of the inside seams in the future, but there are no major problems of the type I read about in reviews of different brands of low-cost v-blenders on Amazon. I'm happy to see that this one can be used as-received. (However, at such a great price, I would also not be too upset if I had to do a minor amount of clean-up work on the interior seams.) All the welds look good. However, since the BestEquip VH-8 v-blender only arrived today, I have not had an opportunity to do more than the initial testing. I don't expect any issues, but if I have any problems I'll update this review.