4.4 inch
The jewelry rolling mill is a great tool for anyone who loves making jewelry. You can use it to roll silver, copper, and other metals. You can make earrings, rings, and bracelets with great efficiency. It helps you shape metal into flat sheets easily. This jewelry sheet rolling comes with lots of cool features that make it easy to use. Its crank is smooth and secure. Made of cast iron and chrome steel, the manual rolling mill lasts a long time. You can use a wire roller mill over and over again to make beautiful pieces. You can set the roller to different distances.
The rolling mill machine provides exceptional performance and allows you to make jewelry at home. It works by rolling out metal like silver and copper. You can use this metal to make beautiful things like earrings, rings, pendants, and bracelets. This wire roller mill lets you make both flat sheets and round wires. You can put a piece of metal between the roller and turn the crank. The roller presses the metal, making it thinner and longer. This is great for making different shapes and designs. You can make a flat sheet to make earrings. This jewelry rolling mill gives you lots of choices to make your jewelry special.
One of the great features of this wire roller mill is its precision. You can adjust the thickness of the metal you are working with. With adjustable press thickness, you can control the machine. Its thickness range goes from 0.1 mm to 7 mm. You can make your metal super thin or leave it a little thicker. The jewelry sheet rolling has a T-shape bar. It allows you to move the rollers close together or farther apart. With a gear ratio of 1:2.5, the user doesn't use a lot of strength to turn the crank. For every two and a half turns of the handle, the roller only turns once.
The rolling mill machine is a special tool that fits easily into small spaces. It is perfect for setting up in your house or little jewelry workshop. One of the super things about this machine is its size. It is small enough to keep in your craft room. You can make it feel like your own little factory. With an amazing accessory kit, this is the perfect tool for you. The kit has silver cloth, a silver bar, and an agate knife. You can use a silver bar to make metal look smooth and nice. Silver cloth helps you to clean every piece so it looks shiny and new. While a knife is perfect for polishing and getting pieces ready to show off.
With ergonomic hands, you can easily hold the machine. It makes using this jewelry sheet rolling very comfortable. You can easily turn the handle without any hassle. It's simple and easy to operate. Furthermore, you can quickly set it up with mounting holes. These holes help you attach the mill to a table or a bench. This keeps it in place securely and does not allow it to move while you work. You don't have to worry about it sliding or falling off.
Made of cast iron and chrome steel, this manual rolling mill will not break easily. These materials are very tough and last a long time. It is strong and does not move around when you use it. It is heavy and stays in place on the table. With a blue powder coating, this cover protects it from rust and damage. Your rolling mill machine stays nice and works well for a long time. You don't have to worry about it getting rusty. It is a reliable tool that lasts for a long time and makes beautiful jewelry.
The jewelry rolling mill is a special tool that helps you make each other. You can turn gold and silver into many different shapes and sizes. It is ideal for anyone who makes jewelry for fun or as a job. You can make earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and more. You can make a little factory at home where you make new designs. You can experiment with new ideas and create stunning pieces that everyone will admire.